Community cancer supports for patients, survivors, caregivers and health care providers in Muskoka.



Carrie A. Campbell, Chair

Carrie Campbell, Executive Director

I have been a member of the Board of Enliven since its inception, and currently sit as the Executive Director of Enliven. My connection to Cancer includes being a caregiver of a loved one with cancer, and like so many of us, being a support for family and friends dealing with the disease. I love being part of an organization that provides support, programs, education, and even simple opportunities to gather as a community. We need more of that in this world. Enliven has grown tremendously since it began; and through that growth, we have the opportunity to provide a variety of meaningful offerings to so many. It’s truly an honour to be part of this group.

David McLean, Chair

Enliven Cancer Care is an organization very close to my heart as my wife, Joanne McLean, was its co-founder. After being diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer, Joanne sought out resources that could support her in living a fulfilling life, beyond her diagnosis. She wanted to be considered by her community not as a patient, but as someone who was creative, funny, intelligent and contributing to society. Not finding such support in Muskoka, she decided to create an organization that would infuse life, or ENLIVEN, those living with a cancer diagnosis. Owning two businesses in Muskoka, having served as an executive in many organizations over the past 35 years, and having served on the boards of many charitable endeavors in the past, I felt I had something to contribute. I was elected to the Board of Directors in December of 2022 and serve as the Chair of the Fund Development Committee. I look forward to assisting the organization in its growth, and in helping to bring supportive care to those living with cancer in Muskoka.

David McLean, Board Member
Monica Park, Secretary

Monica Park, Secretary

I have lived in Huntsville for over thirty years along side my husband, and we have raised two caring and hard working children. My experience as an elementary and secondary teacher afforded me many opportunities to be part of our community. Coaching has always been a very important part of my life and it has provided me with many meaningful experiences. I have been touched by Cancer through the loss of my mother at an early age and have supported my father and sisters through their individual battles. With this experience I felt that my participation with Enliven could help others. I have been a volunteer with Enliven for just over a year and have been witness to the great sense of unity, trust and cooperation within this organization. I have also seen how the dedication and hard work of this group has impacted the individuals they serve. I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we support. 

Bryan Knappett, Board Member

I am married to my beautiful wife Kerri-Lynne and we have four incredible children. As an IV licensed naturopathic doctor at Red Canoe Family Clinic in Huntsville I am trained to assess individuals as physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social beings. We live in a toxic world and Enliven is a fabulous resource and support for me as a clinician, my cancer patients and their caregivers. My approach is to focus on the determinants of one’s individual health – one’s lifestyle choices in nutrition, stress management and intake habits of activity, sleep, breath, and water. Detoxification, immune and nervous system balancing all play a role in the healing journey. It is my desire with Enliven to reveal, that for all those dealing with a cancer diagnosis, hope and peace can be a part of the journey.

Bryan Knappett, Board Member
Alison Madeley, Board Member

Alison Madeley, Board Member

I am one of the initial Board Members of Enliven Cancer Care when it first began and served as the Volunteer Coordinator for two years. I’m excited in returning as a member of Board, bringing new ideas, lots of energy, and a strong passion to help and support others. Being a breast cancer survivor, I understand the importance of community support and programming being made available to those touched by cancer. While undergoing treatment, Wellspring became my lifeline. Now being retired, I have the opportunity to offer my time and experience in assisting Enliven in developing and offer programming that supports, enhances and strengthens our clients’ quality of life. I am honoured to a be a Volunteer with this community support. My 35 year career with the Ministry of Children and Youth Services, involved working with youth who had come in conflict with the law. Having spent 20 years as a probation officer, I progressed to staff training, policy development, and licensing/compliance reviews across the province. My husband Rob, and I enjoy travelling the world and keeping up with our annual canoe trips. We are very grateful that Muskoka continues to offer an atmosphere of healing, helping and connections. 

Deanna Lavigne, Board Member

I joined Enliven several years ago working with the programming committee and have recently been elected onto the board as the Chair of Programming. I love all physical activity and the benefits of moving my body, especially when that movement can be outside. I believe in the power of exercise to build confidence, strength, and balance, and improve overall quality of life. As a Kinesiologist, I have been able to tap into research grants to offer exercise and strengthening programs for people who have received a cancer diagnosis. Participants become part of a community and continue to support and encourage each other. Several friends have and continue to live with cancer and the challenging effects of treatments. I am honoured to be a part of Enliven and the organization's ability to provide a wide variety of programs and social connections for all those affected by cancer. I learn everyday from those I work and play with and enjoy giving back to our community in a meaningful way.

Deanna Lavigne, Board Member




Andrea Johnston, Staff Member

Andrea Johnston, Fund Development

My family has been enjoying the natural beauty of Muskoka for four generations. My husband and I are very grateful to have raised our two beautiful daughters in this embracing community. I have been connected to the developmental service sector for more than 30 years, promoting community inclusion for all. The importance of feeling a sense of belonging has a direct affect on our wellbeing and Enliven offers this—a soft place to land when it’s needed most. Receiving a diagnosis of cancer can feel very isolating for the person and their loved ones. As a spouse, I turned to Enliven when the stress and angst of waiting for appointments and results became overwhelming. Being in the company of others who share the journey offers such comfort. It was an honour to be offered the opportunity to become a member of the Enliven Team. All our programming is 100% funded by philanthropy; it is my role to bring awareness to this and I do so with pride as we are so fortunate to have this type of service in our community.

Blair Douglas, Volunteer & Program Coordinator 

I am excited to be working with Enliven, and helping the community I was born and raised in. I have spent the last 20 years in the wellness field, and I bring a big passion for self-care, support, community and education. Through my work, I deeply understand the need for Enliven in our community, and I am honoured to work with an amazing board, and volunteers, that give their all to helping those affected by cancer. I also have the absolute pleasure of being a mother to 3 beautiful daughters. I am excited to bring my passion to the role of Volunteer and Program Coordinator and look forward to continuing the positive impact Enliven has throughout Muskoka.

Blair Douglas, Volunteer & Program Coordinator


The Board of Directors is a welcoming group of individuals who keep Enliven alive so we can continue to help those in our community who have been affected by cancer.

If you want to help and are interested in joining the Enliven Board of Directors, contact us, we would LOVE to hear from you.

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