Walk it out

Movement and connection are crucial for emotional well-being and physical health, come out for Enliven’s Walk It Out program.

Who: Welcoming cancer patients, survivors, care givers and healthcare providers.

What: FREE one hour of walking and talking on an indoor track. As a self guided drop-in program, participants will meet up with others who decide to join that day and just start walking and talking! All walking levels welcome.

When: Fridays 11:00am to 12:00pm, drop-in basis

Where: Canada Summit Centre, 20 Park Drive Huntsville

Why: Help ease the stress and isolation that often comes along with a cancer experience as a patient, care giver or health provider. Meet new people that may understand and relate to your experience. Have fun and get in some movement.

*** Please Note that all participants must provide proof of double Covid 19 vaccination for facility entrance as per Summit Centre Covid protocols ***

Register by e-mailing us!

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